Bloody Borders is an open, collaborative database for monitoring border violence. It welcomes contributions from individuals who have experienced violence and from those who monitor it. To ensure the credibility and accuracy of the reports, a specific methodology must be followed. Therefore, testimonials submitted through this form may be reviewed before publication to ensure they include all necessary reporting elements. Any individual or group interested in collaborating (sharing testimonials, receiving training, or joining the quality control process) can reach out to

Submit testimonial

Max. file size: 20 MB.
If you don’t have one, take a draft one from the drive folder of stock illustrations.
Type of Report
If pushback, write like ‘From Croatia to Bosnia’
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Max. file size: 20 MB.
If you don’t have one, take a draft one from the drive folder of stock illustrations.
Max. file size: 20 MB.
If you don’t have one, take a draft one from the drive folder of stock illustrations.
eg. "7"
eg. "Palestine and Morocco"
eg. "9, 21, and 30" , or "between 22-40"
Types of violence used
This will only be used if needed to confirm details before publication and will not be published. For more information on our data protection policy, contact
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.