LIVE Bloody borders testimonies (20)

From France to Italy,

A 46-year-old man reports that he was travelling from Modena to Nice when he got arrested in the train from Ventimiglia to Menton together with 5 other people. He has a valid residence permit (permesso di soggiorno) and has lived in Italy since 2007. The man informed reporters that he was arrested on 25/10/24 at 9:00, taken to the police station at Pont St Louis (Menton) at 9:30 and released at 13:45 from there to be escorted to the Italian police station from where he got released at 17:10.
The man told reporters that he tried to inform the Police aux Frontières that he had diabetes and that if they were planning to keep him for more than four hours he would need to call somebody to bring him vital medication. The PAF denied the call. “They did not listen and did not care”, described the man at 17:30 (25/10/24). “I have asked for food. But they did not give me anything”.”On the train I showed my residence permit to the police and he said to me that I had to get off with the five other people who had no valid documents. I have asked why but the police man just said ‘you are with them [the people without ‘valid’ documents] now'”.
The man was released by the Italian police at 17:10. He describes that his journey was interrupted and he suffered physically and mentally.