LIVE Bloody borders testimonies (30)
The main respondent is a man from Turkey, aged between 30-40. He had lived and worked for more than 10 years in France and who had all his family there, was deported back to Turkey because his residence permit expired. When trying to return to France, he was stopped in the car with two friends at the peage station on the French highway and all of them were put in jail for the night.
The respondent informed reporters that French police took away his expired residence permit and brought him back to the Italian side of the border without any proof of this push back. When he tried to show them his former insurance and work permit papers from France, they said that they do not care. No attorney was granted. He stayed in arrest of the French police for one night and half of the following day before being brought to the Italian border police.
He was left out of the Italian police station with an invitation to the Questura in Imperia.